Monday, April 13, 2009

Recap of Meeting on 4/13 ! :)

Today we had a meeting to discuss upcoming AI events! 

Debate / Discussion Topic Ideas: 
1-- Media (propaganda, bias, etc.)
2--  Religion (purpose, good/bad, etc.)
3-- Service vs. Donation (love vs. money...which "rules the world", which is more important) 

Do you want to discuss every topic? Just two, or just one? 
vote in the poll below for your favorite:  

Which topic do you like best for a discussion/debate?

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5/29 -- MOVIE NIGHT: 
We also discussed a movie night fundraiser because we need at least 90 dollars to be an official Amnesty International group. We were also thinking that this movie night could raise awareness for different causes and such through snacks and commercials about world issues. 

The movie we were thinking about showing would be "Pay It Forward" starring Haley Joel Osment and Kevin Spacey. If anyone else has suggestions, we would be glad to hear them in the comments or by email. Keep in mind that we want to tie in either a good message or human rights into these movies to keep with the theme of this club. : )
For tickets, we were thinking of charging 3$ at lunch the week before, and 5$ at the door. 

If anyone has any other ideas for fundraisers or snacks for the movie night, please don't hesitate to email or comment. 

We were also thinking about showing "Slumdog Millionaire" as a club only treat. This would probably require permission slips, but this movie is worth it. Vote in the poll below so that we know how many members want to see this movie :

Would you be interested in seeing the movie "Slumdog Millionaire" ?

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Thanks for participating in Amnesty International! Hope to see you at our next meeting, which we will notify you of as soon as possible : )


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


After midterms, 
next meeting is on Wednesday! 
Stay tuned for more details on what we will do then. 


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

JANUARY 13, 2009


We will: 
- have a member sign up
- show you what amnesty international is all about
- start on work for our first cause [hint: it's in the headlines]
- open the floor for discussion for our next endeavors 

So come, be entertained, and help out the world in a small way. 

co-founder & president 


This is the first ever Amnesty International club at Burlington High School. This blog will be to post meeting summaries, notices, and calls to action as we receive them. We will also post any of our own efforts on this blog in the form of pictures and video, if available. 

Amnesty International is an independent worldwide organization dedicated to the cause of helping those who cannot help themselves. Refugees. Genocide's next victims. Right now, for example: the civilians of Gaza, and the people in Darfur, Sudan. We want to raise the awareness of our peers. And we want to contribute what time and effort and money we have to help these people.